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"suis je enceinte?"

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angeliqueCAB (6 messages) Envoyer message email à: angeliqueCAB Envoyer message privé à: angeliqueCAB Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
07-09-03, 13:21  (GMT)
"suis je enceinte?"
bonjour voila ça fait quelques semaines "2"que j'ai l'impression d'etre enceinte "j'ai deja une petite fille "j'ai l'oreole des seins toute lisse l'oreole plus grosse mal au dos quelque naussees mal au ventre je sens des choses comme des mouvements tres faible dans mon ventre j'ai le ventre gonfle et quand je touche c'est tout dur a des endroits et je sens des choses aussi mous et assez dur quand je passe mon doigt dessus .je devais avoir mes regles hier mais je n'ai rien don j'ai fait un test ce matin a 50Ui predictor et il est negatif je le fait a 9 h le matin en sachant que je me reveille bcq la nuit pour aller au toilette est ce que ça a pu faussé le test le faite d'aller au toilette regulierement la nuit j'y suis aller jusqu'a 5h ?je vous remercie pour votre reponse car je me demande si je suis enceinte ou si j'ai une maladie?merci beaucoup

ps bien sur je sais que ceci n'es pas une consultation je veux juste etre eclairé avant d'aller voir mon medecin lundi.merci

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  Liste des réponses à ce message

  Sujet     Auteur     Posté le:     ID  
 RE: suis je enceinte? D_Dupagne 07-09-03 1
   RE: suis je enceinte? angeliqueCAB 07-09-03 2
       RE: suis je enceinte? angeliqueCAB 08-09-03 3
           RE: suis je enceinte? anya 08-09-03 4
               RE: suis je enceinte? angeliqueCAB 08-09-03 5
                   RE: suis je enceinte? D_Dupagne 08-09-03 6
                       RE: suis je enceinte? nicotine 08-09-03 7
                           RE: suis je enceinte? angeliqueCAB 08-09-03 8
 RE: suis je enceinte? edornier1 08-09-03 9
   RE: suis je enceinte? angeliqueCAB 08-09-03 10

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D_Dupagne (14037 messages) Envoyer message email à: D_Dupagne Envoyer message privé à: D_Dupagne Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
07-09-03, 17:53  (GMT)
1. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
Aziz, light !

Dr Dominique Dupagne

Administrateur du Forum

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angeliqueCAB (6 messages) Envoyer message email à: angeliqueCAB Envoyer message privé à: angeliqueCAB Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
07-09-03, 21:38  (GMT)
2. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
bonjour je n'ai pas bien compris votre reponse?pouvez m'expliquer merci??
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angeliqueCAB (6 messages) Envoyer message email à: angeliqueCAB Envoyer message privé à: angeliqueCAB Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 12:03  (GMT)
3. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
bonjour est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me repondre j'angoisse s'il vous plaait?merci beaucoup
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anya (10897 messages) Envoyer message email à: anya Envoyer message privé à: anya Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 13:04  (GMT)
4. "RE: suis je enceinte?"

vous n'avez certainement pas lu "lisez cette page", vous sauriez alors que...
Allez voir votre médecin Angélique.


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angeliqueCAB (6 messages) Envoyer message email à: angeliqueCAB Envoyer message privé à: angeliqueCAB Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 13:24  (GMT)
5. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
bonjour veuillez m"excuser mais j'ai bien lu la page "lisez cette page avant de poster" j'aurais aimer qu'avant de juger on m'explique le fonctionnement de ce forum car n'ayant pas trouver la reponse a ma demande sur cette fameuse page je me suis permise de poser la question d'autant plus j'aurais aimer que le docteur me repondre plus clairement car AZIZ LIGHT je ne sais toujours pas ce que ça veut dire ...merci quand meme
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D_Dupagne (14037 messages) Envoyer message email à: D_Dupagne Envoyer message privé à: D_Dupagne Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 14:02  (GMT)
6. "RE: suis je enceinte?"

Vous avez lu la page, mais vous ne l'avez pas comprise

Vous avez demandé à être éclairée, revoyez le début du Cinquième élément.

"..when the three planets are in eclipse.."

His fingers trace across the wall which is covered with symbols and
strange hieroglyphs as he deciphers.

"..the black hole like a door is open...
Evil comes ... sowing terror and chaos..."
See? The snake, Billy. The Ultimate Evil
... make sure you get the snake!

The Professor points emphatically to the snake, the symbol of Evil,
coming through the door between the three planets in eclipse. C.U.
Billy's hand sketches the snake quickly. He is a natural artist.

And when is this door opening snake act
supposed to occur?

The Professor's fingers touch the signs.

..if this is the five..and this the thousand..

He calculates.

Every five thousand years..

So I have some time..

He reaches for the pad.

ANGLE ON: Omar. Standing at the entrance to the chamber with the water
bag, entranced by the sight. A skeletal hand falls on his shoulder. Omar
turns to an ancient PRIEST in a rough milled black cannock.

I will take it to them my son.

Startled but obedient, Omar gives the water bag to the Priest.

Go with God.. be safe from Evil..

The Priest makes the sign of the Cross on the boy's forehead, dismissing
As soon as he is gone, the Priest turns a worried eye to the Professor.

ANGLE ON: The Professor is back to translating, Billy to sketching.

"..then arrange the elements of life against
the Terror just so.."

His fingers run on.

elements around the fifth.."

His fingers fall on the one element that has a human shape, surrounded by
all the others.

The Priest opens the water skin and begins to pour a vial of powder into
the skin.

ANGLE ON: Aziz falling asleep. The mirror falls, the light fails.

Aziz! Light!

The boy struggles to stay awake. The mirror comes up.

Lord forgive me.. they already know too,

" which all the history of the Universe resides
..all the strength..all the hope..Protect us from


The Professor turns to the Priest who is pouring water into a tin cup
from the skin.

Father.. it in the most extraordinary thing..
the greatest find in history..can you imagine
the implications.

Only too well... here you must be

He hands the cup to the Professor. The Professor takes it, has it almost
to his lips when..

I mean look.. it is like a battle plan..

In his excitement he does not drink, much to the Priest's chagrin.

Here the Good.. Here the Evil..

As the Priest looks up, Aziz the mirror boy, tips his mouth under the
water skin, drinking the leakage.


He points to the Five Elements.

A weapon against evil. Amazing! I am
going to be famous.

Then let us toast to your fame! Here Billy..

The Priest hands Billy a cup.


To fame.. salud..

The Professor raises the cup to drink, and then...

We cannot toast with water.. Billy !
In my sack.. the Grappa!

The Priest watches, disconsolate, as the Professor tosses away his water.
Billy finishes his cup before running off into the tunnel.


A muffled SOUND grows steadily louder. Outside, a monstrous linear shadow
disturbs the kid's game and gradually darkens the temple entrance.


Billy is looking for the grappa in the Professor's bag. He comes upon a
machine pistol. When the muffled SOUND suddenly grabs his attention. He
leans toward the corridor and sees part of a spaceship appear. Billy is


The Professor keeps reading over the inscription.

"..this perfect person.. this perfect
being.." I do not understand this.. perfect?

Where is that boy? Billy!


Billy presses himself against the wall, in the shadows, terrified, but
sketching away like mad, as large shadowed figures lumber past him. He
begins to blink, feeling the effects of the Priest's potion..


The Professor reads the wall.

And this divine Light they talk
about.. what is Divine light?

At that moment, the reflection from Aziz's mirror drops again. The light

(without turning)
Aziz light!

The room is flooded with light all of the sudden.

Better.. this is the most unbelievable thing
I have ever seen..

The Professor turns around, and is stunned speechless to find himself
face to face with two MONDOSHAWANS. A dozen others fill the hall manning
the source of the light, large luminous globes. Aziz is fast asleep.

...Uh, yes?

The Professor is lifted up and carried off to the side by the aliens.
The KOMMANDER stops in front of the Priest who is still on his knees, face
to the ground.

Master... He was about to discover everything,
but I had the situation under control.

The two MONDOSHAWAN GUARDS hold the professor three feet off the ground.

(in a panic)
Who are you? Are you Germans? Sprechen
Sie Deutsch?


Billy staggers forward, a machine pistol in his hand.


The KOMMANDER holds out his hand to the Priest.

What did I do wrong?

The Priest jumps to his feet excitedly.

Servant, you and the thousand guards
before you... You have done your work well,
but we have to recover the elements. War will
soon engulf your planet. We must keep them safe.

The Kommander goes over to the wall and seems to be looking for a lock.
He finds it and slides in his metallic finger which is more intricate
than a key to a safe. He turns his hand, activating a mechanism that opens
the wall.


The Kommander turns around and crooks a finger. One of the MONDOSHAWANS
waves his hand, puts the professor to sleep and heads down the hallway
revealed by the opening. He is followed by his men. The Priest slips in
behind them.


The Kommander steps into a vast room. The ceiling is very high, pyramid-
shaped. In each corner of the room, four vessels contain four
rectangular twelve-inch stones-, the four elements. In the middle, an
opaque sarcophagus rests on an altar. The Kommander stops and
contemplates it a moment.

(to himself)
The Fifth Element...

Take them and put them in a safe place.

His men carry out his order.


Billy staggers across the floor, struggling to stay awake.


The Kommander opens a case. His men come and put the four, precious
stones in it, one by one.

Will the elements be gone now forever
from this place?

When mankind comes to its senses.
We will return.

Knowing mankind as I do, that could take

Time is of no importance, only life
is important.

The Priest nods and lowers his eyes.

Angle on: Billy staggering forward, raising his pistol, blinking his
eyes to focus..

A MONDOSHAWAN puts the fourth element in the case The Kommander shuts the
case and looks at the Priest.

When EVIL returns so shall we.

(head lowered)
We will be ready, Lord.

Billy suddenly staggers into the room, brandishing his gun.


Billy trips, the gun goes off. He empties the clip. The Mondoshawan
carrying the case crumples to the ground. The wall immediately begins to
close. Billy fires wildly, unable to control the powerful kicking gun.

No!!! Don't!!!

The Priest rushes Billy. The weapon has such a kick to it that Billy
starts shooting into the air, backs up, then stumbles and knocks himself
out. The Priest is on the ground, seriously wounded. So is the Kommander.
The WARRIORS are in a panic.

Hurry, Kommander! The wall's closing!!!

The wall continues to close. Sand pours in from everywhere. The vast
room fills up like an hourglass

Dr Dominique Dupagne

Administrateur du Forum

"Tant que l'homme sera mortel, il ne pourra pas être totalement décontracté" - Woody Allen.

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nicotine (35 messages) Envoyer message email à: nicotine Envoyer message privé à: nicotine Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 14:24  (GMT)
7. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
qui est le bas nylon d'ursula andress

le meme w allen

il en a de la chance........................

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angeliqueCAB (6 messages) Envoyer message email à: angeliqueCAB Envoyer message privé à: angeliqueCAB Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 14:45  (GMT)
8. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
je crois que ce forum est une vrai arnaque .dommage...
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edornier1 (7 messages) Envoyer message email à: edornier1 Envoyer message privé à: edornier1 Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 15:18  (GMT)
9. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
coucou, c'est vrai que les médecins de ce forum sont pas super sympas, j'ai été très décue également....
Je ne pense pas que te lever souvent la nuit influe sur le test, je te conseille d'attendre 3 jours et d'aller faire une prise de sang, ce qui est beaucoup plus fiable.
Tu as pu ovuler beaucoup plus tard que d'habitude, il faut savoir que les symptomes de grossesse peuvent se faire sentir 8 jours après la fécondation.

Donc je te conseille de faire une prise de sang, qui peut détecter une grossesse 2-3 jours avant la date présumée des règles déjà
bonne chance

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angeliqueCAB (6 messages) Envoyer message email à: angeliqueCAB Envoyer message privé à: angeliqueCAB Voir profil de ce membre Voir addresse IP de cet auteur
08-09-03, 15:59  (GMT)
10. "RE: suis je enceinte?"
merci beaucoup pour ta reponse effectivement sur ce forum tu poses une question mais a mon avis tu ne reviens pas ce qui est mon cas ...merci pour ton conseil
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